2024 summer student positions open!


If you are a student in a university or college science program and want to learn about beekeeping as part of your career development, this is the internship for you. We are looking for dedicated and eager students who are keen to learn the science behind beekeeping and queen rearing. The status quo is not sustainable, there are Better Bees. They are disease and pest resistant. We are raising them in several communities.

About the Research Projects

We have several research projects that will run concurrently, all focused on Varroa Resistant Hygiene (V.S.H.) We will scale out varroa resistant bees, apply multiple management practices, record findings and identify the most successful methods.

You will be interacting with a lot of people from small scale commercial apiaries, backyard beekeepers, scientists, farmers, other students and more.  We expect you to learn from all of them and, as your knowledge increases, to provide mentorship to some of the students in our volunteer group.

Skills that you will Learn

  1. Advanced Queen Rearing
  2. Instrumental Insemination
  3. Detailed Varroa testing and Mite Infertility
  4. Data gathering at standards for publication
  5. Hive Construction including specialized equipment
  6. Honey Harvesting


What previous experience is required? None!  You need to be motivated to learn, passionate about saving the bees and learning the science on how this can be done. We’ll teach you the rest.  Bring your good attitude, hard work ethic and readiness to learn.

Physical Requirements

Beekeeping is physically hard and demanding work.  You will be expected to lift hive boxes that can weigh upwards of 50 lbs.  As well, you will be working in the summer heat out in the bee yard.  You must be comfortable with getting the occasional bee sting.


To satisfy grant requirements, you must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.  Ages 15 to 30 years may be eligible participants.


We will have veils available but if you are most comfortable in a full suit then you should bring your own.  A good pair of boots or shoes will be needed.  All other tools, supplies and equipment will be provided.

Time Commitment

Full time (40 hours per week).  Weekend activities and shifts may be required.


Our primary operations will be out of the Lower Mainland, Whistler and Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Contact Us to learn more!